"No Limits" Tour Bus

2011 No Limits Tour Papercraft model

3D rendered logo for the "No Limits" campaign
Belm Designs - M.Bell
Belm Designs - M.Bell

Full layout of the bus design complete with tabs for gluing

Sending the artwork to the printer for the papercraft model. We used the same artwork for real tour bus.

Printing the model. In the old days the artwork might be hand drawn or painted, but we have the luxury of a printer nowdays.

Cutting out the wheels. We have the ability to cut out the design automatically with our contour cut printer, but decided to go manually.

Scoring/creasing and folding the model

Putting it all together... A star for every year of great business for the client

Front view of the coach

2011 No Limits Tour Papercraft model

2011 No Limits Tour Papercraft model

Driver side view of the tour bus. Below you'll see the actual bus photo

Actual No limits bus on tour around the nation in 2011
M. Bell - Belm Designs
M. Bell - Belm Designs